Friday, December 08, 2006

An Early X-mas Present

You know that feeling you get when you walk out your front door in a rush, no time to stop and chat with the local raccoons when- OH SHIT RACCOONS! There, greeting you with a smile is your garbage strewn across the pavement. You stand there and think about whether or not getting to an exam on time is more important than making sure your neighbor's don't see that you really like avocados...a lot. So you kind of sigh, feel like crap, and then leave knowing that everyone will think you're a hobo. And then the sky opens and shits on you, literally, shit magically falls from the sky and lands on you.

That kind of reminds me of the feeling you get when a crack head steals your car. That's right, steals your mofo'n car.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

take comfort in knowing the crackheads will die off once oil runs out, cars become obsolete, leaving their main source of sustinence will be no longer.

1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ça va ma belle, tout serra regler :)

3:01 PM  

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