All The Friendly People You Meet

To the:
Old man on the bus: Why did you ask me if the girl beside me was my sister? I don't even think you were curious, just senile. Your pee bag was a little off putting. I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
Young boy walking by: The pleated pants suited for a man twice your age were strange. Your white polo shirt and no nonsense glasses made me instantly see you as a spelling bee participant. You were very serious, S-E-R-I-O-U-S, serious.
Little girl running and screaming (in a gleeful way): I liked the hat that seemed to be made out of purple fur. I got a little bit jealous watching you and desperately wanted to be running and screaming too. You know why I envy you? Because you're carefree and don't have a job. You know why else? Because you wear purple fur hats. Rock on.
Bus ticket I bought today: You are so expensive. Bite me. With the dough I fork out, I generally expect you to be made out of organic recycled paper derived from thai bamboo. I'm guessing you're just regular paper though. Sigh.
The talkative customer: I did not know that rats in Italy like nutella, and rats in France like butter. I feel, however, like a whole new person now that I do. Thank you.
The melodramatic blog post: I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
The little girl running and sceaming sounds charming and definately enviable.
I want a hat like that.
I think we're all a little envious of that girl.
i too, found myself envious of the little girl....but not envious of the serious guy....serious guy, lighten up. back to the little girl, i guess that's why i like teaching (no, not for the little girls) but for the innocence of children. well, that and the money.
Fat guy on the bus: I miss you from our rides home from family dinners.
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