I Was Never A Ray Of Sunshine To Begin With

I consider myself a nice person, but not bubbly, overly energetic, or enthusiastic. I can be skeptical and slightly mean, but generally it's in my attempts to be funny. So I suppose, even when I'm calling you a pathetic douche bag, my intentions were good all along. And isn't that what it's all about, the intentions?
Recently I started a new job and the regular shift runs about ten hours. That's ten hours longer than I'd like to be serving other people, standing, or not picking my nose and eating 7-11 licorice. Read that last sentence carefully, I did not say picking my nose and eating it; the eating was referring to LICORICE. Alright, clarifications out of the way, on to bitching...
When my shift is finally over I find myself in a state of mind that no longer holds those veils of censorship guiding it. There is some degree of translation that occurs between your thoughts and your speech. Example: (thought) FUUUUUUCK I just stubbed my toe, GOD DAMNIT STUPID PIECE OF SHIT CORNER THAT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. BLLLLLLLARRRGH!!!!! (speech) Ouch, gee golly, just stubbed my toe. As I walked to my bus after work I was all, "I hate you, and you, and you, your hair is butt ugly, you suck, ooh pleeeeaase look at your MC Hammer pants, you, yeah you, do something about your UGLY EXPENSIVE CAR. Essentially I felt real sorry for myself, was way too tired, and felt like adding to the overall level of negativity in this popsicle stand called life.
As I walked in my door at home, I turned to my sister and told her that I was kind of worried.
"Yeah, it's been killing me all day, I think I lost my walnut."
"Uhh, god damnit, I mean WALLET, WAAALLLLLEETTTT. Not walnut. My brain is mush."
what sucks about it all is that you have to act like you give a shit about the people you're serving, where as in reality all i ever want to do is take a 95 pound cedar post and run through the store swinging it around.(I work at a Home Depot)
oh, and sorry to hear about you losing your walnut. terrible shame.
If you pay close attention to the people that have been working in these jobs for a while, you will notice that they dont infact do or say anything pleasent, they just are like , what do u want, you tell them they do it and hand it to you. see i belive they have mastered it....
I really liked that walnut, nice to know that others feel my pain
yes, I haven't quite got the robo motions down yet
This entry filled me with the kind of bitterness only a customer service employee can know.
Sadly, I've spent the last 3 weeks looking for a job exactly like that.
I poor and I need a job.
Yup, I poor. Not I'm poor.
Did I mention I'm a journalism major?
everyone's eyes say something different.
yours (from the entry about being a procrastinator) say that you're...a procrastinator. sorry, thats all i got right now.
and i know what it's like to be poor. i'm a public relations major. that's another way of saying soon to be unemployed
Al and I went to Yuk Yuk's not so long ago and some guy made this joke about Starbucks not being so bad because it's the only place that employs university grads. I started to laugh and then I was like "wait a second...I guess my life's downhill from here..."
haha, and nat, I thought the "I poor" was reinforcing just how poor and uneducated you are. Strange, didn't we go to the same schools?
My job would be perfect if it weren't for the clients.
Wait I would not have a job if it weren't for the clients.
So, yeah, my job sucks also.
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