Observations From My Humble Abode

1. Halo the Harpoon, loving this song at the moment.
2. There is no correlation between sunshine, happiness, and birds chirping. It's gray and nasty outside and STILL the birds are chirping. I'm thinking it had to have been some hippie environmentalist that declared the chirping of birds as blissful. It wakes me up in the mornings (not good), and bird #1 is probably just squawking "Leaf, leaf, eat, leaf, flyyyyyyy. My beak is shiny. SHINY!" to bird #2 (stupid).
3. Vanilla Almond Special K, tasty and sweet but does nothing to comfort loneliness.
4. Noticing that my sister spends her money on stupid things like coffee and bras as I look at her bank statement. Feeling slightly kicked in the gut when I realize that it's actually my bank statement and not hers.
5. I probably won't get as rich as I'd like to by selling my clothes on eBay. I probably won't get any money at all.

6. I feel like I might be allergic to my job. This may be consciously or unconsciously inflicted.
7. I think I might be dyeing right now, but I've believed this for the past 2567 consecutive days.
8. The illegal giraffe in my back yard is getting far too noisy to conceal from the government much longer.
9. I'm beginning to understand the progression from normal citizen to crazed hobo.
10. "But Can They Sing" is the most horrifying show I've ever seen. It and the Gotti boy are the reason people hate North America.
11. Skateboarding is a lot harder than I thought. Falling off one yesterday really scared the shit out of me. Becoming hard-core is gonna take a little longer than I accounted for.
12. Boredom makes me emo.

First, you have a real talent for the photog. (I would like to think I know one or two things about this)
Number 5, I saw there was a woman that made money selling her used underwear. Just a thought.
Number 12, Is the funniest thing I have read all week.
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due check out the subsurface scattering in my ears
i thought the title said adobe
3d is making me go crazy
funny post though carm!
cure for lonliness is is found between settling for less and finding someone with whom you share a wonderful bond.
the birds comment, thats effing hilarious.
my freshman year of college my friend and I created a religion known as "hoboism". it's actually kind of fun once you get down to the meat of it.
and the illegal giraffe, just glue leaves on it and call it a topiary.
all my best.
irs - Thanks for the photography comment. I take so much enjoyment out of doing it, but always consider myself an ameteur.
al - you know I love nothing more than some sub surface scattering.
ryan - this hoboism intrigues me. I must know more.
where do you work? sounds like it sucks.
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