Being A Grown Up

The past week I've been doing a lot of thinking about those crazy adults, and what exactly it is that they do. Is being grown up coming to a point in your life where you realize you can never go back to living worry-free, surviving solely on a diet of fun dip, and pretending that you run a taco stand out of your backyard? I'm starting to feel like I'm grasping a bit, trying to hold on to something that's slowly slipping away. I wasn't sad at my highschool grad, I didn't fear the future, I didn't use to long to be back in grade 3 because I always believed that being older meant you could do more. I guess what I didn't understand was that the doing more thing is something you have to do all by YOURSELF. Ouch, responsibility hurts.
Summer used to be like home free. You finally made it through the stresses of school, the never ending expectations and then you got this amazing span of time that was your ultimate reward. A little pat on the back that said "Hey, good for you. You stayed in school and didn't drop out like the local coke-heads. Way to go!" I'm gonna miss that.
I guess what's disgusting about all these thoughts is the irony of it all. I have a good home, food to eat whenever I want, people who love me, and now I feel a little miserable because I had to take off my suit of golden pillows and fall down in the real world. I think Einstein had a mighty important point with his theory of relativity though. These thoughts are relative to me and my life and that's why I care enough to write about them.
I think the one thing that I truly believe about "grown-ups" is that even they don't know what they're doing. No one knows if all the choices they've made have been the right ones, if they took the best path to get to where they are. I suppose you just acquire bits and pieces of knowledge and experience along the way that ultimately make you feel like you can handle whatever comes.
If there's one thing I learned about being grown up this past week, it's that you have to go to work hungover instead of having the luxury of sleeping it off.
Think of it as a big adventure! thats what it is, if you want you can even wear that special wizard hat you have, you know, they grey one with the green trim, and the embroideredy done near the base that reads 'proporty of the great Allan, master wizard of the lands. (if found please return to 1424 willow street).
ps, incase your looking for my autograph, thats not my real address.
Sup Carmen, nice blog, great pix. You got some digicam skill.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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