Wednesday, April 26, 2006

That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

I decided to track a random link today and realized that somone had found my site by typing into google "I'm sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit." Yeah, that's right, I'm the number one hit for that search. It's nice to know that vomit is what lures people in; you know, the stuff your body violently expells when you've injested, say, poison. The same stuff that ejects from your mouth after you saw a cat's brain in a jar of liquid on your grade one field trip to the vetrenarians.

Up chuck, barf, blow chunks, vomit, ralph, spew, heave, retch, hurl, puke...That's me.


Blogger Unknown said...

That makes me feel so much better about the stuff I have come up for. I came up on a google uk search for "how big are billie pipers breasts" Although I was only number 6 :(

8:32 PM  
Blogger BC said...

i gotta say, i appreciate your comments more than i think you know. i also appreciate your writing. you're very clever.

9:47 PM  
Blogger lowercasecarmen said...

itsreallysmall - Yeah no boob hits for me yet. Number 6? Pfft, you can do better than that.

ryan - I appreciate your writing! Writing serious things is something I find hard to approach, so much second guessing and analysing. I think you have a knack for it.

10:58 PM  
Blogger bythedrift said...

if you search for ' biggest douche in the lower manhatten area' im siting right on top!

3:05 PM  
Blogger dbuc said...

))<>(( forever

10:20 AM  

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