I Feel Good

...like I knew that I would, I feel nice, like a mother fucking sugar and spice.
After a final exam this morning, getting home in two and a half hours instead of thirty five minutes, being hired for a new job, and knowing I don't have to wake up tomorrow for anything, I feel so, damn, good. It's the kind of top-notch sensation that you can only experience when you just crossed the billy goat bridge, told the troll that he could shove his toll bullshit up his ass, and realized that yes, infact, the grass over here is much much greener. And succulently delicious.
It's the kind of good you feel because you're a spoiled brat and you detest the expensive opportunity called school that you selectively got to partake in. The same good that comes as a result of telling your Teacher's Assistant that you would personally seek out his car and egg it if he doesn't give you a good mark. The good that looks like a CD and when you play it in your car pumps out some awesome TV on the Radio. The good that makes you forget that you called your mother at work yesterday to tell her that you had tetanus, that you really truly had tetanus and were going to die because the internet told you so.
Yeah, that ridiculously good.
Gotta love that chipped nail polish I've got going on...
carm you're awesomeness rocks my world! what exam you have?
too bad u still had to pay a hefty tuition to that troll.
- 45° 28' N 73° 45' W
alanna, I had anthro-shoot me in the face-pology.
abdu, I'm glad you're speaking my language. I just finished this book about egypt but they talked about Libya and I have lots of questions to ask you...another time.
hi, i wish i felt as good as you. Perhaps i can cast an enchantment that will syphon this 'goodness' into me, then i can sell it!Yes, to all those who desire it, yes, yes, they will call me a 'drug dealer'.
a. always you speak of siphoning! One day I'm gonna wake up and have no fucking brain. Oops there it is, my brain siphoned...
I got your message. It was the first one of my crap ass blog so I noticed it right away. I know you don't want to hear any excuses, but I just got back to Ottawa after my jam-packed trip home, and I'm sitting down at my computer for the first time in a week. That's my excuse for not getting here sooner. If we were having a real conversation, you would have interjected already with a really witty, sarcastic comment that would make me laugh, but secretly make me feel really guilty. Thank God for the internet.
I just went through and read all your entries, and have a few thoughts. 1) Is there a better way to read them? I kept having to go back and select the next one up, back and forth constantly. They should just have a previous/next button thing. But that's blog's fault, not yours. 2) You are far more artistic than I thought. I never knew you loved photography also. The pictures are wonderful. 3) I miss you. 4) I know I'm going to be checking this thing every day from now on, just like Jeff Harris' website, and all the comments between Wes, Ben and Mack on their online hockey pool that they don't know I know the password to LOL 4) This makes me want to create a real blog, not a I-post-other-people's-poetry-and-quotes blog, but at the same time, discourages me, cause I don't think I could write about my everyday life with such pizazz. I'll have to think about it a little more.
Where were you on Monday? My bad-timing birthday turned up 6 semi-friends for dinner :( After I went to Brandi's with Wes and Kevin and a stranger bought Wes and I private lap dance. It was....bizarre. All I can say is, thank God I was drunk.
This is ridiculously long. But I know you love it. I'm home in two weeks - let's hang out, okay? I mean it. (I'm making a really serious face)
I forgot to comment on your entry lol........
Reading this reminded me of the last time I felt the exact same way. Walkin' on sunshine baby. It was such a great day, until I discovered I'd lost my campus card and was so mad. The next day, someone turned it into the gym, and life was good again.
I love those days.
Wow, I love that photo.
hah, natalie you make me smile. Sorry about the b-day, I had a final the next morning. But hanging out, yes. Lap dances, no.
it's really that small, thanks, sometimes the photography never gets any cred
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