
When I was in grade ten I was walking down the hall one day with my friend. She thought it would be funny to push me into someone, because you know, that's like, totally hilarious. So we were walking, I was oblivious to her schemes, and then go time came around and she nudged me. Looking back, it was pretty weak, I hardly even collided with the poor unsuspecting grade eight, but oh man did he snap. He whips around, looks at ME with pure rage and burning hatred in his eyes and says "THESE SHOES COST MORE THAN YOUR LIFE." ...uhh..........whoa. I couldn't help but ask my fashion savvy guy friend (who probably owned 20 pairs of "kicks") just how much those lovely Phat Pharm shoes would cost. "Those ones?" he questioned. "Yeah I said, those ones over there." Meh, no more than $80.
That's what I'm worth, or well according to him I'm worth less. So I'll give a nice estimate at $78.50. Well Mr. Fashionisto, your life costs more than it's worth.
oh man... hahahaha...
Thats one mouthy grade 8, do you happen to remeber his name? heres a neat little prank we could pull, ok ok, here it is, we wait 6 years, till things blow over, all the mean time observing him and his daily habbits right, ok, then we spring a suprise visitation right, with cake, ohh but this isnt just any ordinary cake, this cake has chocolate and banana in it(his one weakness). So if he dosnt turn out to be allergic to those things, well club him over the head and put him in my freeze, then well sell him on blackmarket ebay with a starting rate of 80.00 dollars, that well teach him to fuck around :)
Yeah, I like your style a. Screwed up, criminal, and slightly insane. We could go to jail hand in hand and it would be so romantic...ahh....sigh
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