I Wanna Feel The Wind Flowing Through My Hair

I decided the other day that I would play a little trick on Allan; partly because he's gullible and partly because I'm a malevolent psycho whose beast. It was a nice afternoon, we were lying around in his room, both of us procrastinating the pressing matters of homework and responsibility.
"Al, you know what I decided? Lately I've started to realize that all those things I used to care so much about are so trivial. Like what other people think of me, if I'm looking hot or presentable. I don't know, there's something so fake about being the person you think others want you to be."
I was trying to go so far into the stereotypical "university changed my outlook on life" paradigm, and I knew he would eat it all up. I wanted to knock the wind out of him so I took it a little further. I could tell he was beginning to worry that I was going to drop some kind of bomb.
"Yeah, so basically I'm choosing to stop shaving my legs."
I pulled up my pant leg to show him my unshaved in probably two months leg hair, and I'm half Spanish so my hair is pretty lusciously dark. He looked at my leg, then slowly moved his eyes upward until he reluctantly met my gaze. I stared back at him with the most beautifully executed earnest look. I smiled.
"Not gonna shave your legs? Er...cool."
At this point I'm thoroughly enjoying myself; Allan is in so much pain. I knew very well that he wasn't going to try to talk me out of my new endeavour because that would be somehow, on some level, demanding that I conform to biased norms (if I were to put it into some politically correct context). It was perfect, arresting, and he was incontrovertibly cornered.
"So baby, are you gonna wear skirts and stuff in the summer?"
"Yeah ofcourse, it'll be so hot. Don't worry you can hardly notice it (ridiculous lie)."
I could only explain his facial expression as the look of someone trying to shit out a kitchen chair. He's never been much of a liar. I gave him a big hug and told him how much better I felt to be past that image is everything kind of bullshit. He was silent.
A few hours later I couldn't help but notice how down Allan was, he looked positively depressed. It was time for phase 2 of my plan: obliviousness.
"Babe what's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothing! Oh nothing, hah, did you think something was wrong? No, no, no. Nothing."
"Alright Al, let's not play the couple anger game."
"I don't know what you're talking about?"
"No? What's wrong? Nothing. What's wrong? Nothing. What's wrong? Well...Let's just pretend I've asked you what's wrong 17 times, you've said nothing 17 times, and then now we've fast forwarded to number 18 where you actually tell me what's bothering you."
Allan looked up at me, his eyes without a trace of happiness. He was deep in thought, most likely contemplating whether or not he should say the very thing that may result in crushing me. He had very few options that would result in anything good, he knew this too well. Allan is a gambling man however, a great player of poker, he had risked before. I could detect more than a little apprehension and blatant fear. My insides were smiling.
"Carm...I...It's just that..."
He was practically choking with indecision. What came next was among the meekest of utterances.
"But I like it when you shave your legs," said Allan as he braced himself for the explosion. He climbed into his bomb shelter, quickly closed the ceiling door latch with an abrupt "clank". He closed his eyes.
"Al, I was joking."
He opened his eyes and grinned. He got that irresistible twinkle in his eyes that only comes when he's just finished updating his computer. He hugged me so hard and told me he'd make me something to eat.
Needless to say, I still haven't shaved my legs. Yeah, hot.
I had a girlfiend once that pulled that joke on me, only it wasn't a joke for her.
I tried to tell what type of camera was in the pictures. From the sharp anles around the pentaprism, I would say it was an older perhaps manual focus SLR. It did not look like it had anykind of lcd screen on it, and apparantly you are a fan of Illford. Before I switched to digital (canon rebelxt with a battary pack/verticle grip) I started using Kodacks C-41 B&W film.
I enjoyed the story I will around again to check up.
The camera I've been using is a Chinon CP-7, deffinately not digital. It's borrowed so I might start using a supperrrrr old Canon I have. Yeah I'd love a digital but I don't have the mula right now.
now ive got to think of a prank...
you have my sunglasses. you will return them immediately!
hahaha, yes I do. Someone called my the unibomber! I'll bring them to our exam, unless ofcourse you want to come and fetch them from delta? Maybe when I go to al's I could call you or something, I dont know?
mean spirited. girls are mean spirited. question...why, when guys saw 'nothing' several times in a row, do girls persist? if you didn't persist, guys would get over it so fast...but girls need to know...not that it was the case here, but it seems to be the typical couple thing...what's wrong? nothing. what's wrong? nothing. and, if it ended there, fine...guys would be over it...but then, it gets carried on and on until it's a big deal and both parties are frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!! damn you girls and your need to communicate openly in a relationship...damn you.
um, i have no relationship issues. really.
hahaha, vent dbuc, vent. I have a peculiar feeling that if I didn't get to the bottom of things that they wouldn't dissappear. The strange thing is, he just turned around and shaved all his luscious hair off. Is he trying to tell me something? Lead by example? Threaten?
carm i miss you, and your hairy legs.... i thoroughly enjoy the blog querida, it's the highlight of my days... lunch soon?
yes alanna, this lunch you speak of, I could do it. I'll email you.
My first SLR was a konica TC, then I moved on to a chinnon 6, and then a film eos rebel, then an elan 2e, and now a digital rebel xt. I love the freedom of the digital, but sometimes I miss the konica (it was a lot like a k1000) either that or I miss the people and places I was with and at when I shot with that.
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