I'm Sorry, I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Little Bit

I really love that part in Dodgeball where Ben Stiller asks that girl on a date and she pauses, looks disgusted, swallows a bit, and then says "I'm sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit." Most of the people close to me know that I like to quote that line a lot because a) It sums up so many life situations, and b) Is pretty f'n hilarious. In order to truly do this excerpt justice I feel the need to illustrate in detail the times when I think it fits to a T.
1) When my sister and I are on a walk, me taking pictures, her keeping me company, and we encounter a strange teenage boy standing at the top of his driveway, arms crossed, pumping MASARI! Oh Portuguese/Canadian R&B artists, how you pull at my heart strings.
2) In class when the annoying guy behind me says "Looks like the prof is a wittle bit wate." I follow it with a horrified gaze.
3) When I find out my final exam is cumulative. I'm sorry, why did we have a mid-term then?
And finally, the other day I was walking home after a run and I experienced something that made me feel truly entitled to use my little quote. As I was climbing up the last little hill I felt like death as usual, but this time I actually THREW UP IN MY MOUTH A LITTLE BIT. Turns out, getting in shape is a pretty lengthy process and not without fat honking pot holes along the way. The funny thing is, right after the slight barfing incident, in my red-faced, sweating mess, wiped out state, the recycling guys drove by and gave me a wave. And to be polite, I waved back. Now, I can never be certain as to his exact motivation for waving but I can surely guess. Maybe the wave meant "Hey, good job on RECYCLING the fat on your body," and mine meant "No problem, we're all doing our part to save the world!" Or maybe, on a more probable note, his meant "The tight pants are working for you," while mine meant "Fuck off creepster. Keep driving."
"...but this time I actually THREW UP IN MY MOUTH A LITTLE BIT."
awesome. the capital letters show how you are serious.
that is a great line. and the way she says it is so convincing.
dan, thanks, I always go fo the enthusiasm card.
krista, you couldn't be more dead on. I hope to someday capture her complete and utter disgust when I say it.
Hi. I found your story iquisitive and fun, please send me as many free products as possible, signed, a stranger.
ps, i think you have what is called bollemia, its an eating disorder, that explains all the throwing up, consult a physician for more information or visit www.vomittillyourpretty.org.
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