Hey, Don't I Know You?

Yesterday and today have been so awesome. The sun has finally come out to play and it's actually kind of warm. I've lived in Vancouver my whole life and I still don't get used to the long rainy season. Every time spring/summer time comes around I'm magically surprised for the whatever-eth time. It's almost like I don't fully believe that the rain will ever succumb to the sun, and just GO AWAY. I was trying to sit outside and study, but it was such a joke; the sun got me so high that I didn't care about doing anything but lying down and taking the occasional picture.
I would equate the first few days of Vancouver sun to bumping into someone you haven't seen in a really long time. Maybe like when you go to 7-11 at some random hour of the morning because you convinced yourself that you would die a slow painful death if you were to forego buying yourself that licorice that sev seems to have a monopoly on. As you walk down the aisle with the five cent candy, the baby bottle pops, and the glorious licorice, someone says your name and you look up to see that guy, oh my god what's his name, that guy you sat beside in Chemistry way back when. Only seeing the sun isn't an awkward chance meeting, it's one of those rare comfortable chance meetings. You're actually kind of happy to see that no name ex-chem-classmate dude because hey, he was kind of funny. Did he remember that one time he blew up his own binder in an experiment and had nothing to study from. He remembers, you both laugh and quietly say something about "highschool, good old highschool." You notice he's buying an energy drink and make some corny joke about it being like speed and he actually laughs regardless of it's lack of hilarity, because he's not an asshole. The sun feels good like remembering and reminiscing can feel good. You both agree how good it was to see each other and then you say something about running into each other again. You buy the licorice, he buys the energy drink, and feel kind of good because you remember that some parts of highschool you really liked; then you realize that you were drunk on optimism, and nostalgia can really do a face lift on things.
You get in your car, it starts no questions asked, that song you wanted to hear comes on the radio, you tap tap tap your steering wheel and drive.
The sun still does that to me. It surprises me every year, it brightens some aspect of my day, and sometimes even makes me put studying into perspective.
the sun burns my eyes and if i could i would fucking stab it.
just kidding, i might give it a friendly smack in the face though.
black hole sun, wont you come
on me.
I think that living where we live, we don't take the sun for granted. and when it finally comes out, after anticipating it all winter, everything feels better. great post.
yeah A-senceoncecommen-L, the sun makes it hard to see your computer screen doesn't it?
krista, yeah, I was trying to get at that. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live in California or something. You'd probably get bored of it.
Hmmm, your long sleeved shirt and towel covered legs made me think you felt different about the sun...
ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i just scoped out your profile, and i can't believe you like me and you and everyone we know. i went to that the other night,and it was unreal! i loved it. it was one of those movies where i felt this urge to cry several times during it, because it was just so damn good. hey, do you want to do ))<>((....you know, back and forth. forever? also, i agree with the sev licorice. can't get enough of that drug. take care, i got your email. reply coming soon.
haaaaa, I practically just shot shreddies out of my nose when I saw "))<>((". At mom's house we have a chore wheel. There's metal and a wheel, and the wheel spins from the metal.
are you touching yourself right now?
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