Why I Hate Public Transit: Reason 874

My Spanish oral exam went really well today. If that last sentence was to have been spoken rather than written, an undeniably obvious level of sarcasm would have been evident. Yeah, jealous?
My professor picked a random topic from a bag, and for me it was Columbia. Basically I had to talk to her about everything and anything I knew about the aforementioned country, but unfortunately, my knowledge was, and still is, quite limited. The instructions for the test had been given in spanish, which strangely enough, is the same language we are there to learn. I decided that I really only had a few choices; bullshit the best I could, book it out of there with a quick "lo siento", or jump out of her 7th storey window. I chose option number one.
I started off by assuring her that Columbia, good ol' Columbia, was something that I knew plenty about. Did she know that the Latin Sensation Shakira was from Columbia? Was she aware that Columbia was embroiled in a dangerous and profitable drug predicament? Had she seen the movie "Blow"? I think that was when my partner interjected with a "Jonny Depp es muy guapo," coincidentally at the same point I was running out of pop culture references to talk about. I concluded it all with a comment about how my boyfriend got a Fidel Castro haircut. I know he has nothing to do with Columbia, but hey, Cuba is a spanish speaking country AND it starts with a "C". She probably thought I was on El Mushrooms.
On my routine bus ride home the hypnotizing motion of the monster vehicle began to work it's magic, and I felt my eyelids becoming heavy. The movement of cars, like nothing else, can put me to sleep with an effect only paralleled by a wild boar tranquilizer. I was half listening to my iPod, half paying attention to the dream thoughts I was mulling over in my head when I heard a booming voice.
"TIME TO GET OFF THE BUS!" it screamed.
I looked around me and I was completely alone. Slightly disoriented, still quite drowsy, I headed towards the bus doors with no real certainty of my surroundings. Was I even in the same city? Why was there no one else on the bus? Why was I on a bus?
As the clarity slowly made it's way back into my mind I realized that everyone had just left me there. Not one person tapped me on the shoulder, gave me any heads up that, hey, we're all getting off now. Nope, they just let me sleep there and await my unwritten fate. Transiters are so "I'm gonna fend for myself and let that strange girl sleep". C'mon people, where is the self decency? The altruism? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME?
So I've devised a strategy to seek out everyone from that 99 bus and destroy them. I think the plan is to run over them with a bus so that I can turn them into people pancakes with just the slightest touch of satisfying irony.
So... you don't think wakeing up all alone in a strange place with out a memoring of getting their is not fun.
Well, fun in the creepy, shitty sense. So yes.
I think I read a Stephen King book that began that way.
i would love to see your article from that paper on your blog site! that was one of the best articles i've ever read
you think that public transit story is bad? i just finished writing about all the people trapped in the trams in new york for, like, eight hours. now that sucks. (i liked "el mushrooms" reference -- made me snort out loud.)
oh please yes, do include your famed article. Some of us would like to see it.
Haha, I have the feeling that the anonymous isn't too anonymous if they know about my article! I don't know, maybe I'll put it up here but I already cringe at how bad it is.
carrie, knowing that someone actually snorted while reading my rants genuinely brightened up my day.
yeah while in montreal i observed a rather obvious difference in the norms of transit. unlike here in van where everyoen kinda looks at everyone else for the whole ride and never say a word, or when possible never sit beside someone else in fear of attack or worse, conversation. random people talk all the time, and instead of taking that empty seat in the corner they end up jamming themselves in with everyone else.
you have to remember that altruism doesn't exist. no one will ever do a kind act just for the sake of doing it. outside of that comment, i find you clever and very well written.
abdu, maybe I should go to montreal! Then I can wake up to a suprise party (maybe?) instead of solitude.
ryan, I think you've got a point, but I don't think it's completely hopeless. There is still altruism left!
I think when your like 74ish, you should compile your negative transit experiences into a 9 volume encyclopedic epic, Then in like 2450 some famile will go in their cyber atic look in their cyber bookshelve and find these strange non digitized writings of some girl that really hated public t.
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